Wednesday 13 May 2009


It appears that this laptop of mine didn't get fixed after all. Powers out on it's own, seems that it heats up too much. At least the undeside feels awfully hot to touch when ever a "power off" -situation happens. Well, no worries. I'll just open everything up again and proceed with more cleaning, must be some kind of short circuit somewhere in there due to a coffee stain. Or then I've assembled this wrong and there is not enough air circulating thru the system to cool it. Maybe I'll manage to get this to work.

My darling wife got tired of this thing acting up and ordered herself a new laptop. I'll try to be extra nice to her in the near future so that maybe I'll be allowed to use it, too.

I do feel that it would be a shame to have to give up on this old laptop of mine. This isn't really anything special, but when it worked, it worked well for the uses I had for it.

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