Friday, 15 May 2009

Well, I'll be darned

A couple of days have passed and now it seems that this laptop is working. At least the "power off" problem is gone. I seem to have a talent in fixing these things. Maybe I should start a business of cleaning coffee stains from inside computers?

The smaller kids have been ill all week. First Susanna had a fever. When the fever was gone, we thought, o.k. no problems. I took the girls to the daycare center. They had been there for about an hour when my phone rang and I was told that now Tiina had a temperature. I went to pick Tiina up from the daycare center and when I got there, I was told that Susannas stomach was upset. So I took them both home with me and called work that I had to take the day off. Now the girls have been at home with a stomachbug all week. Today has been the first better day, but they are still not well enough to go to daycare. I really would have had some things to do today, but what can I do, the kids are obviously priority number one. I had received an invitation to the opening and banquet dinner at the police museum at Tampere. They are opening a show on the 100 year history of policedogs in the service of the Finnish policeforces and some of my photographs of policedogs have been selected to be part of the exhibit. I will try and stop by to see the exhibit the next time we head out west to visit relatives, since the city of Tampere and therefor the museum are along the way.

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